Cell Phones? Yes! or No!

One of the good things about Blackhawk is that the teachers treat the students like responsible students. Why doesn’t this reflect onto some of the rules the school has?

Students are not allowed to have their phones at all during the long dreaded school day. Not in class, in the hallway, or during lunch at Blackhawk Middle School. Students still think they should be able to have their phones out during some parts of the day, but do teachers feel the same way? “They could look up answers to problems or they will be texting each other during class.” Some teachers say. “Then make certain times in class where we aren’t working on anything that we could use them, like at the very end of class or something.” A student argued back.

Another thing students complain about is phones at lunch. Many students say “we should be allowed to have our phones out during lunch, we aren’t doing any learning we are just eating.” “Some kids try to get their phones out during lunch but they are told to put them away.” said another student. Also if there were an emergency at school would the school contact all they parents or would they let the students call their parents with their own phones too? Students seem to say they already try to sneak them in class all the time anyway. So why aren’t they just allowed to have them?

Could using cell phones at school actually be useful to the students learning?Today, most of the world is technology so why can’t that apply with school. Sure we have computer labs and iPads but the notes and assignments that are given to students are mostly paper and pencil. Students would be much more willing to take out their phones to take notes than doing everything on paper. It will also be faster because most students can type faster than they can write. They could just have everything stored on their phones so they will always have it and never lose anything or leave their papers at home or school because it will all just be on their phones.

Students also could use their phones as calculators or a place to work instead of teachers going out and buying more paper and calculators before the school year starts. This will be a good idea since Blackhawk Middle School doesn’t have the money for every student to have their own iPad or lap top. Research shows that cell phones are like handheld computers that could eventually replace, classroom technology that is very expensive for schools on a tight budget to provide. This could easily provide more money for other things like school activities and sports.

The students use these at school for school related websites that are usually monitored by the teachers since the students log onto them. The students could easily just use their own devices for any of the school websites. This way the teachers wouldn’t have to worry about students braking the iPads and computers and having to pay for them. Students also couldn’t do whatever they want on their phones because the teachers can see when they are logged in and on the website, so they couldn’t get away with that.

Students say they would have a lot more freedom than if they could use their phones during school. One student said “I think we would enjoy school more and get into less fights and arguments caused by drama, if we were occupied with our phones some of the time.” Another student mentioned, “last year one of our teachers would let the students, who were good in class that day, have the last 5 minutes of class to be on our phones doing whatever we wanted.” That teacher added more to the topic, “this worked by getting the students to do their work faster. It also makes the kids better behaved so they would get the privilege of having time at the end of class to use their phones.

Research shows that cell phones at school are a way of communication from student to parents. If the student decides they want to stay after school to get help with a class or join a club or after school activity they are probably going to want to call or text their parents to tell them. Many parents might not answer calls from numbers they don’t recognize, such as Blackhawk in this case, but they would most likely answer calls from their kids.

Students have complained about teachers taking their phones if they go off even if they weren’t using them. “One year all my phone did was vibrant, without any sound and the teacher figured out it was me and took my phone.” a student complained. If the student forgot to turn the vibrate on their phone off and it was still in their pocket it would be easier to tell the student to turn it off rather than arguing if the phone should be taken or not. A teacher added, “students know their phones should be silent and away but if it’s in their pocket and not in use I wouldn’t take it right away.

So if you think your school’s cell phone policy is not fair, just start a protest, make the school change the rules. Have everyone use their phones in the middle of class visible to the teacher. The teachers can’t take away 35 phones. They will have to let you have your phones out during certain times of the day. At lunch use your phones while you are not eating, they can’t possibly take the whole  grades phones away, that would be too much and what’s the worst that could happen?  If you keep doing this every day from now on they just might let you have your phones at lunch without having to sneak them or get in trouble.

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